Therapeutic Ultrasound: Procedings of 5th International Symposium on Therapeutic Ultrasound (Boston, 27-29 October 2005), ed. by G.T. Clement, N.J. McDannold, and K. Hynynenсборник
Статьи, опубликованные в сборнике
Detecting fragmentation of kidney stones in lithotripsy by means of shock wave scattering
Sapozhnikov O.A. ,
Trusov L.A.,
Owen N.R. ,
Bailey M.R.,
Cleveland R.O.
в сборнике Therapeutic Ultrasound: Procedings of 5th International Symposium on Therapeutic Ultrasound (Boston, 27-29 October 2005), ed. by G.T. Clement, N.J. McDannold, and K. Hynynen , серия AIP Conference Proceedings , издательство AIP Publishing (United States) , том 829, с. 308-312
New devices and old pitfalls in shock wave therapy
Bailey M.R.,
Matula T J.,
Sapozhnikov O.A. ,
Cleveland R.O.,
Pishchalnikov Yu A.,
McAteer J.A.
в сборнике Therapeutic Ultrasound: Procedings of 5th International Symposium on Therapeutic Ultrasound (Boston, 27-29 October 2005), ed. by G.T. Clement, N.J. McDannold, and K. Hynynen , серия AIP Conference Proceedings , издательство AIP Publishing (United States) , том 829, с. 380-384