Издание коллективной монографии "Вышневолоцкая водная система: ретроспектива и современность. Гидролого-экологическая обстановка и ландшафтные изменения в районе водного пути"НИР

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Этапы НИР

# Сроки Название
1 12 декабря 2011 г.-11 декабря 2012 г. Издание коллективной монографии "Вышневолоцкая водная система: ретроспектива и современность. Гидролого-экологическая обстановка и ландшафтные изменения в районе водного пути"
Результаты этапа: Shirokova V.A., Snytko V.A., Chesnov V.M., Frolova N.L., Nizovtsev V.A., Dmitruk N.G., Shirokov R.S. Vyshnevolotskaya water system: retrospective and modernity. Hydrologic and ecological conditions and landscape changes in the area of the waterway. Field studies: status, results, perspectives. Moscow, OOO «IPP «KUNA» 2011. 248 p. Tables, 10. Figures, 520. Bibliography, 360 items. The book presents the results of the expedition research aimed to study ancient waterways and organized by Institute of History of Science and Technology of Russian Academy of Sciences in 2003, 2005–2011 and, particularly, of the expedition “Research on the gidrologo-environment and landscape changes in the area Vyshnevolotskaya water system” (June 2009, May 2010). Authors reviewed history of creation and modern state, historical and technological monuments of water system. The results of the analysis of this waterways landscape structures and the data on its hydrological and hy- dro chemical regime are included in the book. Equally authors focused on the cartographic information interpretation of Vyshnevolotskiy waterways. Appendices contain information cards of monuments, photos, archival documents (drawings and plans) of hydraulic engineering objects. The book is recommended to geographers, historians, ecologists, hydrologists and experts in the protection and rational use of water resources, as well for undergraduate and graduate students of higher educational institutions enrolled in the geographical, hydrological, and environmental fields.

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