Rating Water Quality in Sevastopol Bay by the Fluxes of Pollutant Deposition in Bottom Sedimentsстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 10 августа 2018 г.
Аннотация:Sevastopol Bay is used as an example for the development of criteria for rating anthropogenic
impact by elimination fluxes from the water area of post-Chernobyl (90Sr, 137Cs, 239,240Pu) and natural (210Pо) radionuclides, as well as mercury and organochlorine compounds. The differentiation of the bay water area into zones with different biogeochemical conditions and the balance approach to interpreting field observation data were used to assess the conditioning capacity of Sevastopol Bay ecosystem for conservative radioactive
and chemical substances by elimination fluxes of pollutants into aqueous depot, which is the open part of the Black Sea and into the geological depot, i.e., its bottom sediment stratum.