Enhanced magnetic viscosity at low temperatures in [Fe/Cr(001)]10 multilayersстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 22 декабря 2015 г.
Аннотация:We report on magnetic aftereffect measurements in strongly and weakly antiferromagnetically (AFM)-coupled epitaxial [Fe/Cr(100)]10 and in epitaxial Fe(100), near the orientation transition (OT) between the easy and hard axes, studied at time scales up to 103s and between 300 and 1.8K. In strongly coupled multilayers, the relaxation is nearly logarithmic in time, has an intrinsic character, and the maximum relaxation rate is almost temperature independent down to 10K and strongly increases below 10K. The magnetic relaxation in Fe(001) films was, however, much faster at T > 10K, but at lower temperatures it is nearly blocked making possible the observation of magnetization jumps of Barkhausen type. The unusual magnetic aftereffect in the Fe/Cr multilayers could be due to opening of relaxation channels through the Cr that separates the Fe layers.