Spectral observations and photometry of the near-Earth object (25916) 2001 CP44статья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 17 июля 2019 г.
Аннотация:During the demonstrational experiment on quasi-simultaneous ob-
servation of asteroid 2001 CP44 with meter-class telescopes the variations of
the colour indices of the object with the period P=0.19165(9) day were discovered.
This value is close to the previously defined rotation period of the asteroid. We
elaborated methods for the rapid measurement of a large number of physical
and mineralogical characteristics. We proposed a configuration of three one-meter class telescopes`to determine all the basic physical and mineralogical features of the asteroids
that are brighter than 17 mag. We demonstrate its applicability for the study
of asteroid 25916, whose visibility was favorable in June 2018. The variability of
colour indices was found. This phenomenon seems to be quite rare and requires
a separate study.