Block-wise correlations in quantum evolutionary system with pure initial stateстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 1 мая 2024 г.
Аннотация:We study the block-wise correlations in a quantum spin system in the processes whencertain blocks do not interact with each other. This happens, for instance, in the evolutiongoverned by the Hamiltonian conserving the excitation number in the spinsystem (i.e., the z-projection of the total spin momentum in the system governed bythe XX-Hamiltonian). We compare the entanglement in a particular fixed-excitationblock with the entanglement in a complete state. We also study the entanglement inthe multi-excitation blocks including several fixed-excitation blocks. Wootters criterionand Fisher information are taken as measures of quantum entanglement in ahomogeneous spin system governed by the XX-Hamiltonian.