Gibbsite- and kuzelite-based matrix for the preservation of radioactive aqueous sodium nitrate concentratesстатья
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Дата последнего поиска статьи во внешних источниках: 5 июня 2024 г.
Аннотация:The article studies the possibility of using a matrix of gibbsite and kuzelite for the preservation of liquidradioactive wastes consisting of aqueous NaNO3 concentrates. The matrix is formed during the solidification ofthese wastes with cement, consisting of calcium aluminate and gypsum. The requirements for cemented solidwaste are met by a matrix obtained from a mixture of the following composition: 45.2%-NaNO3 solution 53.04%;gypsum—5.4%; calcium aluminate—36.16%; diatomite powder treated with polydiallyldimethylammoniumchloride (polyDADMAC)—5.4%. The matrix has the following characteristics: ratio of matrix and cementedsolution volumes—1.45; average 137Cs leaching rate for 90 days—1.410–4g/(cm2day); strength—15.2MPa,including after the tests for water resistance, 30 freezing-thawing cycles, and irradiation to a dose of 1MGy—6.8,15.4, and 9.6MPa, respectively.