JCR (1 января 1970 г.-),
Scopus (1 января 1970 г.-),
Index medicus (1 января 1970 г.-),
MEDLINE (1 января 1970 г.-),
PubMed (1 января 1970 г.-),
Белый список (20 октября 2022 г.-)
Период активности журнала:
не указан
Другие названия журнала:
Rev. Sci. Instrum,
Rev. Scientific Instr,
Review of Scientific Instruments показать полностью...,
Review of Scientific Instrument,
Review of Scientific Instruments
Сайт журнала:
AIP Publishing
Местоположение издательства:
United States
Review of Scientific Instruments (RSI) publishes novel advancements in scientific instrumentation, apparatuses, techniques of experimental measurement, and related mathematical analysis. Its content includes publication of regular articles, review articles, perspectives, and tutorials on instruments and techniques of experimental measurement covering all areas of science, including physics, chemistry, and biology. Special Topics may also be published on new developments or on recently held workshops or conferences in instrumentation.
RSI covers timely reports on instrumentation within areas of research that include the following topics:
- Equipment and Techniques for Lasers, Lasers, Pump-Probe and Resonance Ionization Lasers
- Equipment and Techniques for photon manipulation and detection, All Photon Energies
- Atom/Molecule Traps, Equipment and Techniques for traps; Zeeman slowers, magnets for traps, Manipulation and Detection
- Equipment and Techniques for Ion Optics and Acceleration; Particle Sources and Detectors; Magnets for ion beam control; Atomic & Nuclear Physics Instrumentation
- Equipment and Techniques for Fusion and Inertial and Magnetic Plasmas, Low temperature and Space Plasmas, Plasma Diagnostics
- Equipment and Techniques for Microscopy; Imaging Methods; Positioning Systems, Nanoparticles
- Equipment and Techniques for Condensed Matter & Materials; Diamond Anvil Cells, and other High-Pressure Equipment, Thin films
- Equipment and Techniques for Chemistry; Biology; Medicine
- Gravity and gravitational waves detection and instrumentation; Geophysics and balloon/space instrumentation; Astronomy and Astrophysics; Satellite Equipment and Propulsion Systems, Remote Sensing
- Electronics; Electromagnetic Technology; Microwaves; Power Supplies, Electrical Measurements, and Data Acquisition Devices
- Equipment and Techniques for Thermometry; Thermal Diffusivity; Acoustics; Photothermal and Photoacoustic
- Sensors; Actuators; Positioning Devices; MEMS/NEMS; Energy Harvesting
- General Instruments, General Experimental Techniques or Analyses
0034-6748 (Print)